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Candles Lit
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond In Memory Of Your Birthday
Theresa Hammond In Celebration Of Your Life
Theresa Hammond
Theresa Hammond
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: Christian
Please come out and share the celebration of my Mother Theresa aka “Tee” Hammond Memorial on October 16th, 2016 @1583 Fulton Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216 bt. Marcus Garvey and Albany from 1pm-7pm. 10/19/49 – 9/22/16