The “Before I Die…” wall was created by Candy Chang, after the death of someone she loved. By transforming her grief and depression into a global conversation, the Before I Die… project became a global movement with over 2000 walls in over 70 countries. HealGrief is proud to add to the project with its virtual Before I Die… wall.
We offer this wall as a virtual public space for thought provoking self-examination about life and mortality. Examples seen from walls across the globe have been sometimes senseless, yet often profound: Before I Die I Want To…see equality, own a boat, make the world a better place, tell my mother I love her, get clean, be completely myself, survive cancer. What do you want to do before you die?
Before I die...
I want to:stay awake — .I want to:be brave — maxxI want to:meet john green — maxxI want to:travel the world, publish a book, change people's lives, be remembered, truly live. — maxxI want to:Get married to the love of my life, become a published author, travel the world, and make even a little difference in the world — CamI want to:See every one of my favorite bands in concert and meet Boygenuis. — CMCI want to:Publish a book that is at least one person’s favorite book! — CMCI want to:Create something beautiful, make something right, and inspire those whose lives I have touched. — CMCI want to:Know that my loved ones will be cared for when I am gone and that everyone I love will know how much they mean to me. — CMCI want to:Live and love to the fullest extent possible. — CMC
I want to:Live and love to the fullest extent possible — CMCI want to:Make sure that all of my loved ones know how much they mean to me and how much I care for them. I want to know what it is like to live a life where I am not worrying about the next thing, where I can take deep breaths and live with low stress. I want to feel what it is like to immerse myself into another culture and country. I want to remember what it was like when I was truly happy and practice that in everyday of my life. Before I die, I want to live. — CMCI want to:Get back my ideal weight/fitness and finish another Ironman — CMCI want to:Feel genuinely happy and know that I took the steps to reach that, whatever my genuine happiness is. — CMCI want to:Before I die, I want to feel like my life has been fulfilled, and I want to make as — CMCI want to:Before I die, I want to make everyone around me feel loved and appreciated unconditionally. I want to build a life that my mom can rest in her retirement. I want to be financially educated to build a strong foundation for my future generations. I want to experience the world and make it a better place to live. I want to experience love. I want to meet people from all over the world. I want to make people feel safe. I want to have my own garden. I want to be someone people look up to. — CMCI want to:watch my child grow up to be happy — CMCI want to:become the next sheriff — CMCI want to:reunite with my high school best friend — CMCI want to:save someone's life — CMC
I want to:make my parents proud — CMCI want to:Ride a motorcycle in different countries!. — D_angerzoneI want to:Reign in Life with Christ! — D_angerzoneI want to:Truly live as though my life is not my own, and offer myself as a living sacrifice to God's purpose for creating me! — D_angerzoneI want to:Have the chance to say I love you and thank you — D_angerzoneI want to:Be as holy as possible — D_angerzoneI want to:Get Tubed — D_angerzoneI want to:Be sure my wife, children, and grandchildren are happy and have a personal relationship with Jesus! — D_angerzoneI want to:Live in another country for a year — -CMCI want to:see the Northern lights — -CMC
I want to:Help clean up the ocean — -CMCI want to:safari trip to Africa — -CMCI want to:Get my parents U.S citizen ship — -CMCI want to:be able to do art work again — -CMCI want to:meet a panda — -CMCI want to:Visit all the Disney parks in the world — -CMCI want to:Be closer to god — -CMCI want to:Provide for my loved ones — -CMCI want to:Improve relationships — -CMCI want to:Finish my profession — -CMC
I want to:Travel with my family — -CMCI want to:Work in my dream career and have my dream car/house — -CMCI want to:Leave a legacy behind meaning that I did something so impactful in this world that people will remember me — -CMCI want to:Be able to have my parents retire and take care of them until their last days — -CMCI want to:Have a family of my own — -CMCI want to:Take a cruise to Alaska to see the whales and glaciers: I want to get high in the highest place I’ve ever been. — CMCI want to:I want to explore, live, and thrive outside of my bubble. I want to know that I am leaving this existence, having experienced everything that was meant for me. I want to be able to live with a purpose greater than just making barely enough money to survive another week. I want to accumulate happiness and memories in place of money and feel richer than billionaires. I want to learn something new every day and still crave to know more, and I want to make a positive impact on the lives of people who never met me personally in a way that multiplies joy on a never-ending path. — CMCI want to:I want to know what peace feels like, I want to live fully and embrace all of life's beauty. I want to soak in as much goodness the world has to offer as possible, whether it be nature or genuine care. I want to feel alive and feel things so deeply and passionately. — CMCI want to:Live, truly live. Experience all the emotions thoroughly and come to an understanding of human existence. Through the combined experience, offer assistance and guidance to those of us who may need even just the smallest sliver of light, overall leaving a positive impact on this reality. — CMCI want to:Accept God and forgive myself and anyone who I have contempt for — cmc
I want to:love myself — CMCI want to:Visit a small island — CMCI want to:Write a book — CMCI want to:Learn another language — CMCI want to:Go on a cruise around the entire world — CMCI want to:Go skydiving — CMCI want to:feel young again — CMCI want to:live life without regrets and only create memories to be remembered by — CMCI want to:Experience the wisdom life has to teach — CMCI want to:See my children grow up — CMC
I want to:Live — CMCI want to:Realize my life's true purpose and capitalize on the alturistic nature of my spirit. To finally be able to give as much as I've always wished I could and see all of my loved ones as happy as I know they could be. I want to find a way to utilize my true kindness and see all of my favorite humans prosper from it in their own way. — CMCI want to:See penguins in their natural habitat — CMCI want to:My life goal is to have business doing well for my kids to take over and prosper from. I will travel to Scotland for a month, Greece for a month, and Bali to end my life with peace and a better understanding. I hope to be the best person I can be, love my kids and grandkids as deeply as I can love, and give back to my Indigenous heritage in a multitude of ways possible. I know I will have done everything in power, understanding, knowledge and from a place of love for all that enter into my life. And finally, hopefully, the healing power of touch will be known as the way of life! — CMCI want to:Feel the reciprocal love of a partner. Without fears, without stipulations, without judgment. Just to feel safe, wanted, appreciated, supported. Safe. I don't feel safe anymore. I want to be able to trust a person with my whole heart. — CMCI want to:Get rid of all my stuff. — CMCI want to:Be someone my loved ones can be proud of- someone they talk about with for the next generation- the family member that broke the cycle and did something good in this world. — CMCI want to:Make sure my family is taken care of — CMCI want to:lol — meI want to:ahhhhh — 970
I want to:keep up with this wall... — 970I want to:get married again — CMCI want to:be proud of myself! — CMCI want to:make my family and friends proud of everything I have accomplished. — CMCI want to:honestly, I want to have a baby and a family. — CMCI want to:get clean and sober and stay that way for a long time. — CMCI want to:lead as many people as I can to be saved by Jesus! — CMCI want to:Hmm, I want to go to a convention, Mama, like comic con or vid con! — CMCI want to:I want too go to Hawaii n go on a Cruise. — QueenienspaI want to:visit 10 national parks in the United States — alwinfree
I want to:Go to Hawaii, n on a Cruise — QueenienspaI want to:Fly a paraglider — GabbieFI want to:See the cue for Cancer — DebsterI want to:Create love where it never was — WOI want to:Love fully — JBI want to:Forgive — JBI want to:Reach my full potential as a healer and holistic health advocate . — MIKI want to:Watch my children find love and happiness — Scottie’s heartI want to:Make the world just a little bit better. And remember everyone who was connected to me, pass on their memories. — JammetI want to:Serve, Love and Lend with abundance, Move Abroad to Portugal with Cayenne and live out my days near the beach. Adopt my daughters , Spin the globe and travel to where it stops. Cook dinner at my home in Portugal and serve it on my long dinning room table with all my family and friends. table. — TrayD
I want to:play my grandpas guitar for people like he did — mtsI want to:travel the world — mtsI want to:be in love — mtsI want to:live — mtsI want to:see my family happy — mtsI want to:see my niece and nephew grow up and give them the best life i can give them — mtsI want to:After this ...LIVE — ColeBloodedI want to:succeed in 1 big thing — qbreeI want to:see my kids live — qbreeI want to:Watch Aurora Borealis with my beloved in a bubble _ like we saw on Amazon — 826stevens
I want to:Travel the world with my beloved wife — 826StevensI want to:Get drunk in a foreign country; Leave the world a better place than I found it...and go ice-fishing in Australia; Go to New Zealand & write a book; Outlive you; Travel the world — CMCI want to:Tour with a metal band. — cmcI want to:Climb a 14er. — cmcI want to:Learn an instrument. — cmcI want to:Go back to Paris. — cmcI want to:Save some cats — cmcI want to:Be rich with a family — CMCI want to:Become one of the best Apex Legends players — CMCI want to:Fulfill all of my life dreams — CMC
I want to:take them down with me — CMCI want to:Have a family and children of my own. — CMCI want to:know who I am, and love myself. — CMCI want to:travel the world. — CMCI want to:see my grandkids graduated and happy. Maybe not even graduated, just happy. — CMCI want to:go diving with sharks. — CMCI want to:see the aurora borealis. — CMCI want to:Be more creative — CMCI want to:spend more time being creative — CMCI want to:I want to get more sleep — CMC
I want to:grow apple trees and ski the Birkebeiner. — CMCI want to:I want to do more to support my children both emotionally and financially and make amends for any mistakes I've made when raising them. — CMCI want to:I want to go to Ireland, finish my college degree, fall in love again, and be in my best friend’s wedding. — CMCI want to:wine and dine in Paris — CMCI want to:sleep under the stars with my romantic partner — CMCI want to:hold mt grandbabies — CMCI want to:go cage-diving with sharks — CMCI want to:go skydiving — CMCI want to:I want to own a house, and travel the world with my family or a partner. — cmcI want to:I want to have a family. Experience true love. — cmc
I want to:I want to have stuff... like a tablet, a phone, and a pet. — cmcI want to:I want to become published. — cmcI want to:I want to achieve the things my parents never could — cmcI want to:feel safe again — CMCI want to:go white water rafting — CMCI want to:have financial stability for my children — CMCI want to:travel the world and visit history — CMCI want to:live — CMCI want to:Teach my kids to ski or snowboard — CMCI want to:See the northern lights in Iceland, Norway, or Finland — CMC
I want to:Help preserve the natural world and do my part to positively impact the plant we call home — CMCI want to:Climb Mt. Rainier and snowboard down — CMCI want to:Travel to all 7 continents — CMCI want to:Go skydiving — CMCI want to:pay their parents for everything they have done — cmcI want to:buy a house for his family — cmcI want to:travel with her son — cmcI want to:be happy for a change — cmcI want to:paint a mural — cmcI want to:scuba dive — CMC
I want to:go to the store and buy stuff — CMCI want to:Cross everything off my bucket list — CMCI want to:see my kids live their lives — CMCI want to:have a family — CMCI want to:Reach enlightenment — CMCI want to:See my children be self-sufficient and happy — CMCI want to:Have a family — CMCI want to:Send it down Corbett's Couloir — CMCI want to:Bike the continental divide — CMCI want to:I would love to see Italy. Take a family trip and spend a few weeks just exploring and learning. — CMC
I want to:I want to visit Australia. I also want to look into my heritage. I am Native American and Irish. Would like to know my ancestors. I was told my great great grandfather was a Cherokee chief. Would love to find out for sure. — CMCI want to:be successful at what I love doing and taking my passions to the next level. — CMCI want to:…spend time in the sun with my children ...maybe at a sandy warm beach with the sun sending down warm rays of hope.. I would tell them I would like to have gone back in time and taken all the ill willed things that happened to them away.I would let them know that no matter how challenging at times relationships were between them and myself... not one time did I ever give up and hope they might find forgiveness. I would let them know that my time here on earth was worth each and every bump because at the end of the day I knew I was loved and they were as well — CMCI want to:I want to go find my little brother in Ireland. I haven’t seen him in almost 17 years and haven’t seen or talked to him since . I’d like to find him to build a relationship — CMCI want to:Live in different places while working my dream job at every place I go — CMCI want to:visit Australia & see all the animals that live there — CMCI want to:travel the world — CMCI want to:Go to every state at least once — CMCI want to:Explore the world — CMCI want to:Make sure my kids are taken care of. — CMC
I want to:Change the world. — CMCI want to:Explore the country. — CMCI want to:Complete my bucket list. — CMCI want to:I want to be happy with who I am as a person. — CMCI want to:Be the person I always needed for somebody else. And travel the world 😀 — CMCI want to:truly be able to help someone — CMCI want to:Be happy with my life — CMCI want to:Achieve my goals — CMCI want to:Be truly passionate about something — CMCI want to:Create a family — CMC
I want to:... — -cmcI want to:... — -cmcI want to:Make sure my family and friends know how much I love them. If i have time for more selfish endeavors, I would like to make it to all 7 continents. But making sure the people I love and okay takes priority. — -cmcI want to:Get out of the criminal system completely — -cmcI want to:be apart of building a happy family — -cmcI want to:make sure my kids are stable and i wont have to worry about them — -cmcI want to:Make sure my family knows how much they are loved and cared for — -cmcI want to:attend the Lantern Festival — CMCI want to:Watch A for Adley on YouTube — CMCI want to:go to Paris — CMC
I want to:do a tail-whip on my scooter — CMCI want to:try things that scare me — cmcI want to:Swim with sharks — CMCI want to:Find peace with myself — CMCI want to:Leave a legacy — CMCI want to:Make a difference in my students lives — CMCI want to:Skydive — CMCI want to:travel 500 miles on a river — CMCI want to:summit Mt. Everest — CMCI want to:be truly myself — CMC
I want to:Get an IV — CMCI want to:Get married — CMCI want to:Go to Ireland. — CMCI want to:Tour Europe. — CMCI want to:Go to Israel. — CMCI want to:create something that leaves an imprint on the world with an art form. — CMCI want to:have a relationship with my mom. — CMCI want to:stop living in fear — fiann1I want to:stopstopstop drinking. I know I can and will. I need to to live and stop numbing myself to life — fiann1I want to:stop reacting in a toxic way. I've passed it to my daughters and I am shameful beyond belief. — fiann1
I want to:be at peace while I am 'still here.' — fiann1I want to:start feeling again. it's been 49 years since I "felt," faced and managed life in a healthy way. I've lost the ability to feel — fiann1I want to:love again — fiann1I want to:stop avoiding and start living a life with the 20 (?!) years I have left — fiann1I want to:leave my daughters with a fond memory of me. I need that — fiann1I want to:repair and rebuild the broken relationships with my 3 young daughters. I completely destroyed it with my alcohol use — fiann1I want to:let go — fiann1I want to:stop avoiding and start facing life. I'm far too old to be managing the baggage I do — fiann1I want to:forgive myself for the horrific non-serving choices I've made in my life, grieve it and move past it — fiann1I want to:stop drinking today — fiann1
I want to:Be at peace with myself — fiann1I want to:Write my story — Tammyrmt1977I want to:Be at peace within myself — Tammyrmt1977I want to:Go to cancun — Tammyrmt1977I want to:live comfortably without having to worry about anyone — CMCI want to:give back to my parents for everything they did/have done for me. — CMCI want to:get to a good place mentally and emotionally — CMCI want to:make sure my daughters have everything they need to be successful in life. — CMCI want to:Travel the world — CMCI want to:experience the true meaning of love. I would love to create my own family and grow in faith. — CMC
I want to:To be financially independent. — CMCI want to:I hope I am able to travel the world. — CMCI want to:To have my own family. — CMCI want to:I would love more sleep and to do everything good. To be a good version of myself. — CMCI want to:be at peace — cmcI want to:be at peace — cmcI want to:work less relax more and be creative every day — cmcI want to:ride a bull — cmcI want to:let go of comparing myself to others — cmcI want to:be content and happy — cmc
I want to:be at peace — cmcI want to:Write a Book — CMCI want to:Walk around in my bathing suit and be proud of my body — CMCI want to:Be 100% happy — CMCI want to:Ride a successful Grand Prix test — CMCI want to:Go to New Zealand — CMCI want to:Go to space — CMCI want to:Drastically improve at least one person's life for the better. — CMCI want to:Make a difference in climate change. — CMCI want to:Go back to my homeland. — CMC
I want to:See my kids succeed in their own way. — CMCI want to:have kids — -cmcI want to:feel genuinely happy — -cmcI want to:love someone who isn't my family or friend — -cmcI want to:travel and enjoy life — -cmcI want to:aventarme de un avion — -cmcI want to:say my last goodbyes — CMCI want to:know I made an impact on someone else's life — CMCI want to:visit Bora Bora — CMCI want to:Have kids and leave them a luxurious home — CMC
I want to:Experience different cultures — CMCI want to:be happy — cmcI want to:travel to hawaii on my honeymoon — cmcI want to:travel the world — cmcI want to:see my family in mexico — cmcI want to:love myself — cmcI want to:Become an Labor and Delivery nurse and start a family of my own — CMCI want to:Travel the world and take a vacation to Belize — CMCI want to:Go on an African Safari — CMCI want to:Have both of my kids living under the same roof. — CMC
I want to:Go swimming with sharks — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to live life to the fullest I possibly can — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to see the African Savanna — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to go to Germany — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to buy the Hobbit Lego set — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to drive a Formula 1 car — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to have lived/ experienced life while experiencing true happiness. — -CMCI want to:Before I die I was to travel to as many countries as possible,. — -CMCI want to:Before I die I want to eat a cake boss cake. — -CMCI want to:Before I die I want to be at peace with myself, and know that i have no regrets. — -CMC
I want to:Before I die I want to release an album of songs I wrote for myself and not for others. — -CMCI want to:Before I die I want to start my own non profit organization in my country, Peru. I want to be able to help the poor children in the Andes of my country get education, food and technology. — CMCI want to:Before I die i want to be able to build my own tiny home and own a farm — cmcI want to:Before I die i want to be the first woman to become president of Peru — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to travel the world and visit each and every country in the planet — CMCI want to:Before I die i want to climb all the 14ers, and ski the 50 classic north American descents — CMCI want to:Before I die i want to climb all the 14ers, and ski the 50 classic north American descents — CMCI want to:Before I die i want to climb all the 14ers, and ski the 50 classic north American descents — CMCI want to:have all things associated with my death planned, paid for, and taken care of to make it easier on my loved ones — cmcI want to:have sex with 2 beautiful women at the same time. — cmc
I want to:meet my grandchildren — cmcI want to:spend a weekend in a fire lookout in Washington State or Oregon — cmcI want to:have my own house, be married, and have children — cmcI want to:join the FBI. — cmcI want to:fly to Stuttgart, Germany and buy a Porsche and travel around Germany. — cmcI want to:help my music career take off. — cmcI want to:sky dive — cmcI want to:become a father since I never had one and be the best one that I can be. — cmcI want to:sit in a pool in the Maldives over the ocean — CMCI want to:just be a nice person — CMC
I want to:make a positive difference in all of those around me — CMCI want to:see my grandchildren grow up — CMCI want to:travel the world — CMCI want to:buy a house and be able to say I lived a comfortable and content life — CMCI want to:Take my parents on a nice family vacation or help them visit their home in Mexico again — CMCI want to:visit Tokyo or leave the US to explore a different country — CMCI want to:travel across the country in a Ferrari or cool sports car — CMCI want to:leave a legacy — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to...Experience everything as it comes, be my best self, never stop evolving and changing. Give love where there is none. Provide motivation and gateways and guidance to the palace of enlightenment. — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to experience the love I know the world is capable of expressing. — CMC
I want to:Before I die I want to learn to accept everything as it is and will ever be. — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to be a famous singer and spread love, empowerment, and motivation through my art. — CMCI want to:Before I die I want to travel the world and help everyone I can. — CMCI want to:"Before I die, I want to know I dedicated myself to helping those in need." — CMCI want to:"Before I die, I'd like to see my children thrive into adulthood and have kids of their own." — CMCI want to:"Before I die, I want to walk the Pacific Crest Trail." — CMCI want to:"Before I die, I'd like to see more people fully content and happy" — CMCI want to:"Before I die, I want to wake up and start my days surfing for a year, and confidently feel like I am living my life 100% true to my authentic self". — CMCI want to:feel good in my skin — CMCI want to:be a good person — CMC
I want to:feel fulfilled — CMCI want to:travel Europe — CMCI want to:see the Vikings win a Super Bowl — CMCI want to:Make my kids and grandpa proud and get my baby boy back home… get life where it should be. — Kaileigh94I want to:Visit Tuscany — JoshuasMomI want to:publish another book to be dedicated to some of my fur babies namely DC, Wilbur, Bouncy and Karl. - SALLIE — Karl2015I want to:Hug my babies one last time — Clove1126I want to:Love Again I Don't Think I Will💔 4 Life — tonitext007I want to:Move on and completely forgive those that have not been nice to me. — Mary_LenaI want to:Go on a cruise or go to Hawaii — nlcb197251
I want to:Die before I loose another special person in my life. I can't go through it again. — Debpelletier2020I want to:Be able to watch my daughters achieve their biggest dreams — MaggieI want to:Meet the one — AlanaI want to:To know the feeling of being loved and happy — jkchavez64I want to:write a book — KathleenI want to:live my life to the fullest — gissyI want to:Learn how to love again, even if it seems impossible now. — Emrobins104I want to:Ensure that everyone that learns more about grieving BEFORE they experience it. — CarolI want to:See my daughter marry the man of her dreams (she is 3 years old now). — NicoleHileI want to:see my grandchildren — astohrer
I want to:Make a possitive difference in as many lives as I can. Love as many people and animals as possible and feel as if I am loved in return. — GenuineUnicornI want to:learn to jitterbug and Zydeco dance — angiebroussardI want to:Learn my native language. Learn more of our cultural arts (harvesting cedar, creating baskets, pine needle baskets etc) — SherylI want to:be successful. — ElimoI want to:continue to honor my husband Rob in every way possible, he was my hero. — SamI want to:Move back to the country of my birth. — JudeI want to:Honor the memory of my son in a way that others will benefit because he lived. I miss my son. — Jeager CatI want to:Honor the memory of my son in a way that others will benefit because he lived. I miss my son. — kathywathyI want to:Buy a home, see my boys grow into great men — CassieI want to:Go to Australia — Koolgirl1978
I want to:Love out loud my Hazel Eyed man. — LarkI want to:Get married and have kids — angelmckown639I want to:See my granddaughter grow up to be a happy adult — Jaeger CatI want to:build a house and have a family — J.FavorsGrimesI want to:See America be for Americans again. — AmericansFirst!I want to:Love & Care for as many dogs as possible and let them know they are LOVED and THEY DO MATTER. I want them to feel the LOVE in their soul and enjoy life while doing so. — RoI want to:inspire hope and create change — MimiI want to:get married and have a family of my own. — SusanI want to:Hope the love of my life knows he was the love of my life. And that my close circle of friends that are my family that I love them with my whole being. ❤️ — DougHI want to:have Matthew, my only son, be happy and find someone to love and settle down to start a family. — mea3sons
I want to:Own a home and land again, hopefully with my best friend and love. — MelaI want to:See my lesbian daughter find someone that she deserves and loves her 2 kids! — deirene06I want to:Forgive myself.... — TulsaI want to:Meet my biological paternal side — DeeKI want to:Feel love — Kitty katI want to:See Hillary Clinton called, Madam President. — HeleneI want to:outlive my cancer — joanieI want to:meet my mother — joanneI want to:love again — forever brokenI want to:make change for the good — amira
I want to:See my father one last time — joeI want to:apologize to those i haven't yet had the chance to do so with — patriciaI want to:Travel to England, write a book, meet Tom Hiddleston! — autumnsky38I want to:Travel to Austrailia — AliceI want to:be in love — trishI want to:see peace throughout the world, where all people, all color and all religion are honored as one! — Hope!I want to:Sky Dive — JaneI want to:Love More — FYNI want to:Go in a hot air balloon — lilbecca07I want to:get the best website in the world — Fran