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Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Celebration Of Your Life
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil In Memory Of Your Birthday
Rommie aka Billy Gorrell
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy or Bilbil
Place of birth: Tulsa, OK
Rommie William Gorrell aka Billy was an amazing surprise to his family and all the friends he made along the way. This young man walked through life with the best smile on his face no matter what was going on or how bad he felt. He enjoyed play T-ball as a young child. At the age of 10 he was diagnosed with diabetes. Going to school became a difficult task due to all the ups and downs with his disease. Even with all the obstacles in his way in the last year he did get to enjoy having his first apartment with his best friend Eddie. This kid was truly one of the strongest people I have ever known and he did it with a smile on his face. He fought this condition for many years. He was a solider! Billy always was able to bring himself back to us and many times. This last battle was just to much for his body to take. So at the age of 22 years old he went to be with the Lord. Rock on Billy you were a Blessing to us all! We will have another ceremony to release his ashes in his final resting spot at Blue Hole 7398 Kenwood Road Salina. OK 74365 on May 13, 2017 at 2 PM