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Candles Lit
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz In Celebration Of Your Life
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz
Robert Klisiewicz In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Robert Klisiewicz
Place of birth: None
On April 27th, 2014 God called Robert home…There aren’t many people with a heart like his…I can’t even describe what a loss this was to our world. I know I should begin by saying that we are here not only to remember, but to honor the life of Robert But where do I begin to tell you all about the person Robert was. There was so much to Robert’s life, and so much that I want everyone to know about him. Robert s life was so full. He had friends and family who loved him unconditionally . He was my best friend, someone who was always there for me, he was my brother.
Robert was a person who lived for life and lived for others. He was never afraid and he was brave enough to be the person he wanted to be. Crazy, smart compassion, integrity, love, stubbornness, respect, and heart are just some of the words that describe who he was. He was loyal to a fault and the words that he spoke rang with the sound of truth. He was all about goodness and doing what he thought was right. It was utterly impossible to be depressed or angry around him, when you were with him there were no worries. And oh my god his laugh! It was golden! There’s so much more to say about Robert but it would take an infinity to keep going. My brother I love you more than words can describe.It’s not goodbye only see you later.We’ll meet again.Rest in peace my sweet boy…I love you always and forever.