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Candles Lit
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Smith
Michael Smith In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Michael Smith
Place of birth: Sebring, FL
Forever remembered in our hearts.
Funeral Notice Detail
Michael is survived by wife of 10 years, Kimberly Lyn Smith; children Scott Michael Smith, Cerstein Aerielle Smith, Dale Joseph Smith, Katherine Delores Smith, and Taylor Brooke Smith.
The family will be receiving friends from 6-8pm on May 30, 2015 at Dowden Funeral Home, followed by mass christian burial service at Pinecrest Cemetery, Sebring FL 33870
A Memorial Service will be held at
Dowden Funeral Home
2605 Bayview St
Sebring , FL 33870