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Candles Lit
Harley (Spencer)
Harley (Spencer) I miss you little girl.. We love you so much
Harley (Spencer)
Harley (Spencer)
Your Pets Home: Mabie, WV
Pet type: Dog
The first night she spent at our house, she cried half the night alone in her box that we had put together for her. Being winter, I put her in my bed where she slept every night for the next 14 3/4 years. I was never one for having animals in my life but quickly discovered she stole my heart. She turned out to be my best friend. Our quiet times setting by the fire watching the snow fall waiting for spring. She absolutely loved playing with her racquet ball and in some cases I had to make her take a break just to cool down some. She was there through some very difficult times in my life. During my divorce, she would pick up on my grief and sadness and come to me. Strangely she would lay on my stomach and stare at me. Then lick my cheek and ear. She loved to burst water balloons tied to a string hanging from our apple tree in the summer. That’s where she decided she loved eating apples. She would nibble a little from each one lying on the ground. Once she was Diagnosed with cancer, I was devastated and couldn’t stop crying. My little baby was sick and it tore me to pieces. A few weeks before she passed away, my daughter and I took her up to Spruce Knob which is the highest point in West Virginia. I never thought I could become so attached to an animal. Not a day goes by that I don’t cry and think of her. I thank God everyday for the time I was allowed to have with her. She was a classy and beautiful little dog. I miss you Harley my sweet love.