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Candles Lit
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Pet type: Dog
Gracie was one of a kind. I have never seen another dog that even looks like her. We have no idea what breed she was but it is theorized she was a Chihuahua or Papillion mix of some sort. She was a big dog in a 15 pound body–all attitude and spirit. She loved everyone. She liked to be held like a baby. She knew when you were down or not feeling well and would lay on your lap–the greatest comforter of all time. Gracie was a rescue who was found tied to a tree and abandoned in rural Georgia. A kind woman found her and made sure she went to a no-kill rescue that would find her a home. That rescue sent her up north to Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, Massachusetts where she was adopted by loved by my family.Here are some things I want the world to know about Gracie:Gracie was the alpha of our pack of three even though she was the smallest by far.Gracie had a stuffed animal \”Stuffy\” (a \’Lil Kinz pink pig that I had to buy a replacement for on eBay when she destroyed the first one). She played with Stuffy every night and invented a game of catch with him that she would play with us.Gracie had a tiny stuffed dog that she would carry around the house twice a day (morning and evening). She\’d bring it to every room in the house and then bring it back upstairs to her bed in our bedroom.Gracie loved to have her teeth brushed and would stand at the bathroom counter at night waiting for \”her turn\”.Gracie loved to lay in the sunshine on our back deck on warm days.Gracie will be missed by all of us until the end of time.