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Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Sanders In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Sanders In Memory Of Your Birthday
4-ever in our hearts
Martha Sanders
Martha Sanders
Place of birth: Orangeburg, SC
Religious affiliation: Other
Martha Sanders who everyone also called “Momma Martha” passed on to eternal life on June 10, 2015. She was a loving and dedicated mother, wife, grandmother, sister, and friend. Martha’s personality would be described as being a “Firecracker”, that you didn’t want to set off. She was a selfless woman who was always willing to help out in any way she could. She loved herself some Harvey Sanders, her husband and best friend for close to 60 years. She was the birth mother of six children, but was the mother figure of too many to count. She will be remembered as a woman of character, substance, humor, and grace. Martha Sanders was an employee of Duval County School Board as a school crossing guard and a faithful member of Greater Grant Memorial A.M.E Church.