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Candles Lit
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Celebration Of Your Life
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Celebration Of Your Life
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Celebration Of Your Life
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Celebration Of Your Life
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Celebration Of Your Life
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Celebration Of Your Life
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver In Memory Of Your Birthday
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver
Kathleen (Kathy) Oliver
Place of birth: Rochester, New York
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Our family lost an angel this week. Kathy, was a mom, grandma, aunt, mother-in-law, and a kind soul. She was a true friend and was the purest of saints walking amongst us. She woke up each day thinking of others and what she could do to make life better for those around her. Kathy raised three children, Kevin, Linda and Andrea (and sometimes four depending on where Emily was). Her heart always gave to others – I think the below tribute from her grandchildren describes her best… Grandma, We wish we could explain to you how much you mean to us. From your invaluable life lessons to your amazing personality, you truly have made us better people. Teaching us to always find the best in everyone and how to be kind no matter what. Showing us how to look on the bright side and to always give thanks for the little things that make life matter. These are the wisdoms we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. We hope one day to become the kind, loving person that you are. The person that leaves a lasting mark on everyone they meet. The person that is just so generous and pure that you can’t help but smile. The person that gives without a thought of getting back. You are that person. We have never met someone with such a pure heart, one that is so willing to help others. Maybe one day, if we try our best, we might be that person, but one thing is for sure… if we do, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Spiritus Christi Church
121 Fitzhugh St N
Rochester , NY 14614