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Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joseph Avery In Celebration Of Your Life
Joseph Avery
Joseph Avery
Place of birth: Pittsburgh, PA
Religious affiliation: Other
Loving Uncle Joe,
Joe left here to soon. Joe was an avid basketball player in his younger years. He was a great baby sitter to his nieces and nephews. He would love to tease us and call us perch and pie face. Joe was kind hearted and easy going guy. Joe was known for his distingushed look with his gazelle glasses. Joe coached little league base-ball and baskett ball for yougerster in the Manchester community. He had the look before Jay-Z. Joe loved his Pittsburgh Steelers. He would often say when you called to talk with him over the phone, Ok, Ok, Ok, I gotta go the game is getting ready to come on and your using up my minutes.Joe assumed role of a dad to Chance in her time of need and established this relationship that few new of.
Joe completed school in the pittsburgh public school system and obtained an associate degree from CCAC.Joe was a good brother to the late C L Avery Jr. in his last year, Joe was his personal chauffer, even if he didn’t want to he did it anyway, but never once complained.
Joe was well known in his community and loved by all who knew him.
Son of the late CL Avery, Sr. and Lillie Avery, born in pittsburgh pa., Dearest Brother the Late CL Avery Jr.
He leaves to celebrate his home going, Ella Avery wife of Late CL Avery Jr.,their children Pamela Robinson(David), Crystal Avery, Amelia Loman, Antoinette Vail, Joan Whitely (Theodore), Clarence L. Avery III, Cecelia Ware, N’Gai Avery Sr. an aunts Voncil Avery -Coleman and Arby Avery. Devoted cousin Eddie Benton, and acknowledged daughter Chance Mahaffey.