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Candles Lit
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr. In Celebration Of Your Life
John Pinder Jr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
John Pinder Jr.
John Pinder Jr.
Place of birth: McKees Rock, PA
A Star Baseball Player, born McKees Rock, PA, Joe lived a life full of promise and adventure. With the call of duty sounding, the square-set right-hander with the blinding fastball gave up his dreams and joined the US Army in January of 1942. As a member of the16th Infantry Regiment Joe set himself apart for his heroism and gallantry in the face of unobtainable obstacles. The Technician 5th Grade and his efforts made a difference that resulted in the Allied successes at Normandy. For these efforts, Joe was post-humorously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
McDermott Funeral Home, Inc.
1225 Chartiers Ave, McKees Rocks, PA
McKees Rock , PA 15136