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Candles Lit
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman I really miss you, Dad! Happy Birthday!
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman In Celebration Of Your Life
John P. Hinerman In Memory Of Your Birthday
John P. Hinerman
John Hinerman
John P. Hinerman
John P. Hinerman
Place of birth: Colorado
Religious affiliation: Other
John Hinerman has passed away at the age of 62 in Omaha, NE. He has left behind his children: Lisa Hinerman, Joan Hinerman, Joshua Hinerman and Matthew Hinerman; his grandchildren: Paisley Hinchley, Alexandra Hinerman, Kyle LiCausi-Hinerman, T.J. Hinerman, Mia Michaelis and Jake Hinerman; and his great granddaughter: Schyuler Hinchley. John was the widow of his children’s mother, Peggy Hinerman(Carr) who proceeded him in death in 1999. He also left behind his fiancé, Jeanne Pulver. His surviving brothers and sisters are, Jim Hinerman, Julie Meador, Jerry Hinerman & Janet Hinerman. He joins his parents Everett Hinerman and Dorothy (Crow)Hinerman.
He worked in electronics for a majority of his his life at JVC Americas Corp (out of Aurora, IL) & was working for LG Electronics (In the greater Omaha area) upon his passing.
John graduated from Hutchinson High School, class of 1971, loved scuba diving, music, movies, Monty Python & Saturday Night Live as well as chatting with kids while he squatted down to chat on their level.
Please join us for a short memorial/celebration of his life on:
Tuesday, July 21 at 5PM-6PM
Evangel Church
5700 Bartels Rd.
Hanover Park, IL 60133
A memorial in Hutchinson, KS is Planned for Sunday, Sept. 6th from 1-4:30PM in the banquet room of the Kansas Cosmosphere. Please come & visit with us for a while.