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Candles Lit
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith In Celebration Of Your Life
Jane Smith In Memory Of Your Birthday
Jane Smith
Jane Smith Loved Forever
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
Place of birth: Chicago
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Jane was always looking to the stars and has now become one. Know we are looking up at the stars and smiling as she shines down at us.