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Hobo Abbott In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hobo Abbott In Celebration Of Your Life
Hobo Abbott In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hobo Abbott In Celebration Of Your Life
Hobo Abbott In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hobo Abbott In Celebration Of Your Life
Hobo Abbott In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hobo Abbott In Celebration Of Your Life
Hobo Abbott Happy Birthday Hobo !!! We think about you every day. I Miss & Love You
Hobo Abbott In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hobo Abbott
Hobo Abbott
Place of birth: Lakeland, FL
Our beloved family dog Hobo had to be put to sleep because of his health. He was a good dog that will be missed as much as he was loved. To my niece who took over caring for him in 2015, thank you for being there for Hobo and looking out for his best interest. He loved you so much and followed you everywhere he could. Hobo will continue to follow you in your heart wherever you go in life. He knew he was loved. Thank you. Hobo… I Love and Miss You Always and Forever XOXOXO