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Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson In Celebration Of Your Life
Evelyn Carson In Memory Of Your Birthday
Evelyn Carson
to my grandma eve rest in peace
Rest in Heaven My Dearest Friend
A Life Remembered Evelyn Carson
Evelyn Carson
Place of birth: Chicago, IL
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Evelyn Carson of Albany, California born on June 2, 1955 in Chicago, IL. Carson passes onto her permanent home in Heaven at the age of 60 on July 10, 2015 in the early morning. She was a stay at home mother all of her life, to three wonderful children. Evelyn was very involved in her Catholic church, as she called it her, “second home.” She outlived both of her parents Carmen Kuzno and Hazel Poynter Jones. Survivors of Carson are her husband, Tim Carson, her three children, Pagie Carson, Leigh Carson and Samual Carson, and three brothers, James Jones, Mark Jones and Jessie Jones.
Funeral services will be held on July 14, 2015 with a small family gathering to spread her ashes along side where both her parents ashes were spread, at Regional Lake in Oakland, California at 6pm.
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