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Candles Lit
Dawn Hatfield
Dawn Hatfield 11/26/2012
Place of birth: Bellingham,WA
My Mom was the heart and rock of our family. She was the kindest most giving person I know. Other than their father and myself,my kids were closest to their Nana. She loved her grandkids more than anything and I think they kept her going the last 2 years of her life. We took care of mom the last year while she was on hospice and although hard we wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world. Her death has devastated our family. My kids who once filled our house with smiles and laughter is now quiet. As if moms passing wasn’t enough exactly a month later my grandparents were killed in a car accident leaving us totally lost. How do explain that much loss to little kids when I couldn’t understand it myself. We were left with 3 funerals to pay for which broke us. We’re also left trying to pick up the pieces and try to carry on with normal day to day life. I’m hoping and praying for the day when my kids are back to normal or whatever our new normal may be now. We try to honor my mom and grandparents everyday. We light a candle and tell them how much they are missed and loved. My kids have said countless times that they would trade everything to have their Nana back and how much they miss her. I myself would give anything for one more day with her. I also wait for my home to be filled with laughter and smiles the way my Mom and grandparents would want it. We miss you and love you very much Mom,Nana,Granny and Papa. We’ll never forget you!!