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Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann In Celebration Of Your Life
Daniel Niemann In Memory Of Your Birthday
Daniel Niemann
Daniel Niemann
Place of birth: None
Religious affiliation: Christian
Daniel “Dandy” Niemann died unexpectedly in Harrison Medical Center on April, 26 2017 in Bremerton, Washington at the age of 72.Daniel is survived by his mother, Doris Niemann; wife, Helen Niemann; son, Vincent Niemann; daughter, Melanie Garcia; daughter, Dawn Wren; thirteen grandchildren. He is preceded in death byfather, Harry Niemann; brother, Michael Niemann.Daniel was born in November 1945 inPortland, Oregon. He graduated from East High School in 1964, where he was an accomplished athlete. After moving to El Paso, Texas met his future wife, Helen Young. The couple welcomed three children into their home. Daniel was a passionate fan of the Seattle Mariners who never missed an opportunity to see or go to any game he possibly could. Daniel also loved to play poker and enjoyed painting. He was an opinionated individual who truly enjoyed engaging in political debate. Daniel did not realize the impact he had in the lives of others, and he will be missed.