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concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Celebration Of Your Life
concepcion Rivero Hernandez In Memory Of Your Birthday
concepcion Rivero Hernandez
concepcion Rivero Hernandez
Place of birth: CUBA
Religious affiliation: Catholic
born in 1935 in guantanamo cuba , concepcion recived a bachelor of since in nursing education from south dakota state college in 1958.She continue her education at the university of minnesota ,from which she recived her M.Ed in nursing in 1966 .she worked at various phychiatric nursing ficilities throughout western in massachusetts in 1977 later she moved to miami city where she found a job in the Jackson memorial hospital in miami florida where she worked until her retirement,she loved good food and socialing , enjoyed going to movies and plays whit friends , she had a wonderful smile
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Klein Funeral Home -(281)222-5546.
9719 Wortham Blvd, Houston, TX
houston , TX 77065