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Candles Lit
Bonnie Wisnowski In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bonnie Wisnowski In Celebration Of Your Life
Bonnie Wisnowski In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bonnie Wisnowski In Celebration Of Your Life
Bonnie Wisnowski In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bonnie Wisnowski In Celebration Of Your Life
Bonnie Wisnowski In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bonnie Wisnowski
Bonnie Wisnowski
Place of birth: Edmonton, Alberta
Bonnie…..my sister. She was always there for me, through the good and the bad. Everyone described her as a beautiful soul. She really was beautiful inside and out. She had a heart of gold but was in a lot of pain for much of her life. Mere words cannot express my love for her. Until we meet again sweet sis.