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Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg Xoxo
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg In Celebration Of Your Life
Bernie Nassberg In Memory Of Your Birthday
Bernie Nassberg
Bernie Nassberg
Place of birth: New York
Religious affiliation: Jewish
A military man after family, Bernie served his country with honor. A retired lieutenant colonel, he was a paratrooper who jumped into combat during WWII. A proud man, Bernie was most proud of his three children, two left behind and one he joins with his loving wife.