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Candles Lit
Barbara Hooper RIP Barbara
Barbara Hooper
Place of birth: None
Barbara I have known you most of my life, you have always been so kind even through all the hard times you had while living on Shannon Rd in Dorchester. I remember the Kool cigarettes you used to smoke too Barbara. I remember Jeannette and how you cared for her before she passed, she was taken from you at such a young age. I also remember when you came up here to visit with your mother and all the fun we had going to the beach to get some clams. Pretty soon Barbara, you will find your 2 daughters Jeannette and Barbara waiting for you with open arms, and they will show you the way. You will be missed by myself and the rest of your family along with all your friends. Carole you are my very best friend in my entire life. Even through all the years where you have been in Florida and me in Nevada, we remained friends. You are the Best and i know how hard this is for you.