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Candles Lit
Twinkie (Little Miss Twinkletoes)
Twinkie (Little Miss Twinkletoes)
Your Pets Home: Chamberlain, Maine
Pet type: Cat
About 4-1/2 years ago we visited our local shelter — I asked if they had a kitty who was having trouble finding a home. They pointed to a senior girl who had lived there for over two years. She had also lived there a long stretch earlier in life (lived there for years, was adopted, then returned a few years later). That was our Twinkie.We brought her home – and we all lived happily ever after.Twinkie was sweet – tough – social – and smart.Here at home she had her own big, roomy air mattress, which she loved nestling into for long naps. She ate well and snored loudly.Twinkie had the run of the house and the yard. She captured our hearts.Though our time together was shorter than we would have have hoped for – we enjoyed a lifetime of love – and we are very grateful for the time we did have together.Rest in Peace my little BFF.