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Candles Lit
Your Pets Home: South Carolina
Pet type: Dog
I grew up with her. She was an amazing dog and I loved her more than anything else, I would have done anything for her. Everyday is harder and doesn’t feel right without her. We picked her out of the pound when she was estimated to be a year or two old. She hated men, and we thought she might have been abused when she was a pup. It took a few weeks for her to get comfortable with my father. She used to be so fast. She would run and run and run, at the speed of light. Catching local squirrels and birds all of the time. She ran so hard she ended up blowing her knees out, but it was alright. She was still fast. It only later caught up to her as she got older and developed arthritis, but even then she was healthy. She was 13-14 when she died, and very happy to be around the people she loved. She lived a long happy life, and for that I’m grateful. She deserved the best, and she thought we were the best family she could have. I, along with my family will always love and miss her so much.