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Candles Lit
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Celebration Of Your Life
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker In Memory Of Your Birthday
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker
Martha Evelyn Sonnamaker
Place of birth: Mexia, TX
Religious affiliation: Protestant
Martha Evelyn Sonnamamaker
Born December 5,1933 in Mexia, Texas to Fannie & Clarence Payton, and passed from this life on August 21, 2015, at the age of 81.
Evelyn was preceded in death by her parents, and is survived by her sisters, Yvonne Campbell of McKinney, TX; Billie Pecikonis and husband Marty of Ft. Worth, TX; daughters, Tammy Lisa Du Bose and husband Brad of West Columbia, TX; Elisa Ann Bryan of LaPorte, TX ; son Wesley Wade Sonnamaker, Jr. and wife Ella of Fort Worth, TX, five grandchildren , and ten great grandchildren.
Evelyn graduated from Midwestern University as a Registered Nurse, and worked as an RN for 10 years. She was recruited by IBM to help develop the first computerized nursing program, and continued with them for 27 years as a systems engineer.
Evelyn traveled worldwide, as her passports bear out. She made countless journeys to Israel with nothing more than a back pack and her faith in Christ. Upon her retirement she traveled extensively in Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean Islands, and other far flung places on the globe as a “Prayer Missionary.”
The most important thing in Evelyn’s life was Jesus Christ, whom she followed with an indomitable faith! No person – family, friend, or foe – ever came into her presence with a need that left without being prayed for!
Even though stricken with such a horrible disease called Alzheimer’s, Evelyn fought it every step of the way with faith and dignity. Even after she lost her speech, she still prayed in the Spirit, and prophesied over the nations.
Evelyn will be greatly missed, always loved, and never forgotten!
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
Central Assembly of God
709 W. Mulberry
Angleton , TX 77515