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Noah Cochron

Noah Cochron

In this episode, Noah shares their grief experience of being an adolescent when their father died and then a young adult when their mother died. Living in a world as a young person without parents “with big grief and big love” led them to their work.

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Noah Cochron holds a Master of Social Work degree from the Smith College School for Social Work. They are guided by a deep belief in the healing power of relationships, community, and “undoing aloneness.”

For the last six years, Noah has primarily fostered relationships with young folks, most recently as a therapist for high school students in the Bay Area, and as a traveling facilitator for college students studying abroad. Noah co-founder of the COVID Grief Network. This volunteer-run organization provides short-term grief support and longer-term community building for young adults grieving amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Noah believes in ritual, laughter alongside mourning, and being with big questions about being in the right relationship to each other and our world. Noah is a flower farmer, a book enthusiast, and a fledgling woodworker when not working in the grief world.

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