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Kindness in Action

Kindness in Action

What will your Kindness in Action be and who’s memory will you be honoring?


Create a Kindness in Action campaign and ask others to support you.

It’s simple:

Set a Goal – 1//day, 5/week, daily/month

Be Creative, Share Photos and Videos of your Kindness in Action

Invite others to JOIN,

Tag others to be KIND,

Inspire them to SUPPORT our goal.


Kindness Ideas

Take a plate of cookies to your neighbor.

Hold the elevator for someone rushing to get on.

Hold the door for someone.

Pay for someone’s coffee or meal in line behind you.

Pick up trash as you take a walk.

Smile at the cashier helping you.

Ask someone how they are. Mean it. Listen to their full answer.

Leave a little present for a special person in your life (their favorite candy, a gas card, their morning coffee, funny card, etc.)

Create or join a fundraiser and support people helping to change the world.

Plant a tree to offset your carbon footprint.

Give out 5 hugs per day.

Do a chore or task for someone without being asked.

Donate supplies to a shelter.

Set your Amazon account to AmazonSmile to give back to a charity when you buy things. 

Reach out to someone who is struggling and let them know you are there for them and love them just as they are. 

Volunteer your time at a local charity/organization. 

Send 5 texts to 5 different people letting them know how important they are to you.

Pay for the person’s order behind you in the drive through line or toll booth.

Hand write cards or notes and send them to people you care about letting them know what they mean to you.

Leave cards for children in their backpack, on their pillow, or somewhere they will find it that tells them what they mean to you.

Prepare a special meal and invite people over to share it with you.

Schedule a visit with a person in your life who is disabled or “home-bound.”

Schedule times to help this person with small chores like changing light bulbs, cleaning, etc.

Compliment a stranger (on their hair, clothes, smile, etc.).

Forgive someone.

Take the time to get to know someone who you have struggled to get along with.

Bring bagels or other breakfast items to work and share them with your colleagues.

Leave an extra tip for restaurant staff at your favorite place to eat.

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