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Writing a notice of death is one of the steps in the grieving process. It may not seem like it, but for the person who is left behind, it is a step towards compiling thoughts and feelings and sharing them with the world. This is also an important notification to friends and family of the loved ones death. As a result, it is important to provide specific information that others can use to determine if they know the individual and, if so, how to pay their respects.

What Is a Notice of Death?

A notice of death is a type of farewell that is organized in such a way as to tell a person’s life story in a few short sentences. There is no way to make this piece effective enough to truly represent every component of their life nor how valuable it was. However, this statement, which should be published in print and online, is a chronological accounting of a person’s life and death.

What Should You Include?

Often times, you’ll work closely with a funeral director or other caretaker to develop this piece. Consider some of the key components to include:

-Place of death, date, and age: You’ll want to provide the specific city and state of the individual, the date of the passing and his or her age. There is no reason to include the cause of death unless you wish to do so.

-Spouse and children, in that order: The spouse should be listed first, followed by the children in order of age. You should also list the children’s spouses as well if applicable, with any different names.

-Grandchildren and great grandchildren: These come next, generally by age.

-Parents: The parents of the loved one should be listed next, and whether or not they are alive or deceased.

-Siblings: Siblings of the deceased are listed next. It is possible to list nieces and nephews but not common.

-Accomplishments are listed next: This should include the place of birth, important places of education or employment, organizations he or she belonged to, hobbies and special interests, as well as any other details you feel are important.

-Funeral information: Include the date, location, internment location, and other details.

-Donations: If donations will be accepted for a charity or another location, list this last.

-It is also acceptable to list a location where more information can be found online.

Writing a notice of death through this process makes it a bit easier to collect your thoughts and the details, but you should never feel as though you have to share information you do not want to. Most importantly, make this a tribute to your loved one that they would appreciate.

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