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Candles Lit
Shivraj Dasari In Celebration Of Your Life
Shivraj Dasari In Celebration Of Your Life
Shivraj Dasari In Celebration Of Your Life
Shivraj Dasari In Celebration Of Your Life
Shivraj Dasari In Celebration Of Your Life
Shivraj Dasari In Celebration Of Your Life
Shivraj Dasari
Shivraj Dasari
Place of birth: Hyderabad
Religious affiliation: Hindu
I lost my husband and my best friend on 4th of Sept 2018.He was a brilliant guy.can`t believe he is gone.He accomplished so much in such a short life.he was passionate about social values,a great fitness freak in his young days,acted in films,loved music.I am sure he is safe in Gods home now.waiting to meet him .We love you and miss you terribly shiv.Each day looks so long.Home is just empty without you.