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Candles Lit
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee Happy Heavenly Birthday I love you son! Fly High Baby Boy.....
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee In Celebration Of Your Life
Ozzie Zed Lee Fly High Son
Ozzie Zed Lee In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Ozzie Zed Lee candle remembering his death
Ozzie Zed Lee
Place of birth: Lexington, Kentucky
Ozzie Zed Lee – a precious son, loving father, brother, cousin and friend. Laid back, easy going, he never seemed to let much get to him. A quick wit, sarcastic humor, that was just him. Loved to make people happy. His son, Rylan was his heart and he was a great Dada. My son, my only child – he is my heart and soul. I loved him unconditionally and we shared a very special bond. My life forever changed, my best friend is gone. It is strange and surreal living a life without him. He loved music, drawing and writing. Played a mean guitar…..shy enough that he wouldn’t play in front of many people. Strong, so strong…..went through too many challenges in his young life, but faced them all with a “it will be ok” attitude. He would tell me from time to time that he wouldn’t live to be an old man. I think he somehow knew his life on Earth would be short. I miss his laughter, his love and just everything about him. Fly high my son, fly high………always in my heart.