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Candles Lit
Mohamed Abdel Raoud In Celebration Of Your Life
Mohamed Abdel Raoud In Celebration Of Your Life
Mohamed Abdel Raoud In Celebration Of Your Life
Mohamed Abdel Raoud
Mohamed Abdel Raoud
Place of birth: None
I am celebrating the child that gave me hope, laughter, love, made me feel motherly, the best feeling in the world, and connected me with god, the source. He connected me with the life. He made me know and feel what true love is. You are my life, you are my dreams, you are a piece of me, a piece of my heart. I have already had planned our life together. It was all beautiful. Never would I have thought that I would lose you. You are my everything. I lost you but I will always always remember you. How can I forget a part of me. May you be in peace wherever you are. May this loss be of meaning. May you know and feel deeply within that you are deeply deeply loved, supported, guided and blessed. My love for you is never-ending. I love you. I miss you.