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Candles Lit
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Michael Moran In Celebration Of Your Life
Michael Moran In Memory Of Your Birthday
Mike, you will be missed. In courage, you always smiled, even in the face of your adversity -Sharon
Michael Moran A much love
So many fun memories the biggest laughs & yet such strength and courage miss those happy feet x
Michael Moran Mike will be missed by all who knew him...
Michael Moran "Authentic love is a miracle and we have touched it."
michael moran
Michael Moran
Place of birth: Long Beach, California
Religious affiliation: Christian
Michael was raised in California. He joined the military , Army, in 1967 where he became a helicopter pilot and was assigned to both Vietnam and Germany. Upon leaving the military he became involved in the commercial world of helicopters and flew for Bristow Helicopters, a British company, for 25 years. He developed a great love of flying and became a highly respected and proficient pilot. Michael traveled around the world, living and working in many countries including Scotland, England, Iran, Dubai, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea and Nigeria. Michael’s first marriage gave him two wonderful children, Sean (now living in Hong Kong with his family) and Erin ( living in California with her family). Michael married Daphne in Singapore in 1986 and they adopted a beautiful baby girl, Susannah, in Bangkok, Thailand in 1987. Following the diagnosis of early onset Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in 1998, Michael had to relinquish his pilot’s license. The family then moved from Nigeria to Florida where Michael was employed by Flight Safety International in West Palm Beach as a flight instructor in their flight simulators. In 2009 the ever-progressing PD forced him into retirement. In 2014 whilst undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation to aid the PD, three brain tumors were discovered. The melanoma he had been treated for in 2003 had metastasized and traveled to his brain and liver. Immunotherapy prolonged his life for over two years but left him with extreme fatigue and debilitating side effects. Throughout these last two years when his quality of life was so poor, he showed such fortitude and never complained. He always managed to find humor, something which was an infinite part of the Michael Moran everyone loved so dearly.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
South Florida National Cemetery
6501 South State Road 7
Lake Worth , FL 33449