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Your Pets Home: California

Pet type: Cat

Sam was a recued cat. Someone gave him to us in 2016 when she was no longer to keep him and no shelter would take him for fear of no one wanting him. From the get go he loved car rides and loved being outdoors. He would come and go as he pleased. We had to leave our apartment and since we were out of the city and in the outskirts he became a full time outdoor cat. He was well taken care of in the summer and winter. He came and left as he pleased and was always happy. Our son came around and being a toddler he loved giving Sam a hard time but he loved him.Halloween day he came home and I noticed he was different, distant…unfortunately it was too late to do anything for him. Before leaving, my son would go up to him and let him and blow him kisses and deep down I knew I wouldn’t see my cat alive again. He hasn’t been home since Halloween night and we fear the worst. We feel horrible, I am pregnant once again and this has hit me hard. We miss you Sam, we know you’re running around somewhere with no pain and no worries. You helped me with my depression and I need you here but you were needed somewhere else too? Thank you for the memories, we’ll never forget you Sammy. 

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