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Candles Lit
Murphy I love you forever and always Love, Mama
Your Pets Home: South Windsor, CT
Pet type: Dog
Murphy did not start his life on the best path. He was probably born in a puppy mill and was originally adopted, with his brother Cody, by a family that did not know how to take care of him. It was after an incident with two neighborhood children treating him and his brother cruelly that he was surrendered for adoption and came into our lives. Cody was adopted by another family and Murphy came to ours, where we learned that he embodied unconditional love. He loved all of us, including his adopted sister Gretta, so much that he would walk around the house to be sure he knew were everyone was and that they were okay. We could not sneeze, cough, or cry without him coming to our aid. His favorite way to get attention was to sit back on his hind legs and paw his standing human and beg for a hug. Murphy could never get close enough to those he loved and we could never get enough of him. He passed in the comfort of his own home surrounded by his loved ones after a five-month battle with histiosarcoma. You are forever my sunshine, Murphy, and this home and family will never feel the same without you.