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Candles Lit
Miss Priss
Miss Priss
Your Pets Home: North Carolina
Pet type: Cat
This little Ragdoll was a rescue cat and her owner did not really want to let her go, but circumstances forced it. We saw how special she was by the second day. She liked to talk to us, and seemed to be able to read your mind. She was very affectionate and would jump on the bed, just like a dog, and scoot all around and run up against my hair and back. Every morning she was happy to see you and would wake you up. – no aloof cat here! She learned very quickly to walk with her little pink leash and it wasn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t hard to want to spoil this little cat. She even learned how to count.Even before I knew that I had cancer, she would get on the bed every night and place her paw on my chest and then her cheek up against mine, like she was saying everything will be ok.Then the devastating news, about the four week of my chemo, she suddenly started limping and then could not walk on her back legs – they tried to not use the C word, but it was spine cancer. I sat there on the worst day of my life, in terrible pain, and watched this sweet girl take her last breath.I had always thought she would be there to help me through the cancer treatment, but I would never wish this pain on any pet. My mom had written in her Bible several years ago about the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’Angel cat\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’ that we took into her home. She helped so many people dealing with illness and depression that she has surely earned her wings – I know I will see this gorgeous girl again.