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Dixie GIrl

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Dixie GIrl

Your Pets Home: Minnesota

Pet type: Dog

I have no words to describe how I feel now that you’re not with me, Dixie Girl. You got me through so much you were my rock through the breakup and you have been there when I need help with my Depression. you are my best friend and I feel like I can’t breathe. you helped me just by being in the room knowing you were here meant so much. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to not cry thinking about you. I will miss the walks with you sniffing everything and anything, or your explorative nature at the dog park, I will miss your little dreaming and your bark. Most of all I will miss you laying by me at night kicking me in the head or the ribs and wanting to go out at 3 am. I love you my best friend, My little Girl. You left paw prints and I will cherish every memory I had with you, Thank you and I won’t say the other word Only till I see you again.I love you,  My Little DixieGirl

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