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Candles Lit
Axel Kiesling
Axel Kiesling
Your Pets Home: West Sayville, New York
Pet type: Dog
Axel….I dont know what to do without you. You were always there for me. My every move you were there. Why you got sick especially so young. i will never understand. I cry every day and every night. I cant sleep. I dont know what to do without you… You gave me such purpose to live and to push myself with my disabilities. I tried everything to help you but the doctors said no more. Thank you Thank you Thank you for all the laughs, love and kisses. You made all of us so happy. Everybody loved you. You were the friendliest dog around. You always protected your pals at the park. You were so funny. I hope you are at the Rainbow Bridge with all your siblings who went before you. When its my time, I will come get you…. xoxoxo i love you with all my heart…