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Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy In Celebration Of Your Life
Meghan Murphy In Memory Of Your Birthday
Meghan Murphy
Place of birth: Long Island, New York
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Meghan, a Sophmore in high school who played sports all year round; She was on JV and Varsity Volleyball & Field Hockey, she also played Basketball and Track. She loved to be outdoors and her “get away” was on the mountain snowboarding with her friends. She had such a big heart and would do anything for anyone. Meghan always put the ones she loved first and her second.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
St. Aidens
123 Main Street
Eat Williston , NY 29601