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Candles Lit
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green In Memory Of Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Malinda Green In Celebration Of Your Life
Malinda Green
Malinda Green
Place of birth: Birmingham, Alabama
In loving memory of Malinda L. Green.
Malinda was a selfless woman with an amazing heart. She was born in Alabama on August 13, 1946. Loosing her life to a long courageous battle with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). As her death was very unexpected, we gather here today to celebrate her many accomplishments. Malinda raised 5 children and contributed to raising 19 grandchildren while she was alive and able. Malinda would give the shirt off of her back to any family member or friend in need, she always made sure her loved ones were taken care of. Now, she is out of pain and rests above us as an angel on all of our shoulders. Seeing her struggle in her last days here with us was a heart ache for all of us who live in her heart. Malinda was a loving devoted wife, mother, sister, aunt, and friend. She married the love of her life, Rip Green and had a loving marriage for 26 years. Today we will honor the life of a young, brave, beautiful woman. May she rest in peace.
Funeral Notice Detail
Her time of death was 9:56 AM on Wednesday December 28, 2014 in her home on her hospital bed which she rested in for about a year since her diagnosis.
Malinda\'s burial will take place at the Troy Chappel on the 16th of January.
Please dress appropriately, IN COLOR! If you knew Malinda, you know she hated black and loved colors.
(She always told me, \"Kim, if you ever plan my funeral, make sure no one wears black! I don\'t want a depressing funeral, I want people to celebrate because I\'ll be there as well.. you just won\'t be able to see me anymore.)
A Memorial Service will be held at
Troy Chappel
202 W. Main Street
Troy , NC 27371