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Candles Lit
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell In Celebration Of Your Life
Katie Winter Fell Thoughts and prayers
Katie Rebecca Winter
Katie Winter Fell
Place of birth: Evesham Township, New Jersey
Katie Rebecca Winter has passed on to finally embrace the love of her mother Lisa Winter.
Katie was an avid animal lover (especially horses), a gifted artist and a beautiful woman both inside and out.She loved exploring nature, traveling and being with family.Her sparkling blue eyes lit up the room and her angelic smile was real.Katie was a woman in her own rite. She was a sweet, delicate, beautiful flower that will remain in our hearts forever.I love you Katie~ Thank you for letting me into your life.