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Candles Lit
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker You would be 90 today. Never will I ever forget you. Ever.
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker Just another day like every day - thinking of you!!!
June Meyer Becker Your Memory Lives Forever
June Meyer Becker Even in death
June Becker In Celebration Of Your Life
June Becker In Memory Of Your Birthday
June Becker Never forgotten Always missed.
One Year Ago We Love You Nana Always
June Becker
In loving memory
Happy Birthday Mom! Love, Carol
Carol Levey Every single day I think of you!
June Becker
Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois
Religious affiliation: Jewish
It is hard to believe that it has been one year since “Nana June” lost her battle with breast cancer. In order to honor her memory and celebrate her life forever, we have created this permanent online memorial. It will allow friends and family from around the world to share their thoughts, photographic memories and celebrate Mom’s life. We would appreciate your participation because it will allow June’s grandchildren and their future children to learn about her life, and never forget her memory. Thank you in advance for lighting a candle to celebrate June’s birthday annually (March 21st) and the day she passed (March 31st).
With love on behalf of my brother Jeff and sister Ilene,
Carol Becker Levey