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Candles Lit
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz In Celebration Of Your Life
Joe Quiroz In Memory Of Your Birthday
Joe Quiroz we love and miss you so very much tata Nicole,Sam,Zoey,Chloe,Rem
Joe Quiroz
Joe Quiroz
Place of birth: Needles
Religious affiliation: Catholic
Joe R Quiroz lived a long and beautiful life full of family and love. Everyone he met he left a lasting impression on. He proudly served the military and worked on the Santa Fe Railroad. He married his love Aurora Quiroz and were on their 68th year of a wonderful, loving marriage this year. Joe and Aurora had one son Michael Quiroz, one grand daughter Nicole Quiroz, and three great grand daughters Zoey, Chloe, and Remi. Joe loved his son, wife , grand and great grandkids and all of his family dearly. He also loved his poodle Bonet and never replaced her once she was gone. Joe R Quiroz was an avid sportsman and fan. He was good at everything he did. He loved golf, bowling, guitar playing, boxing, tennis, football, and basket ball. He also loved to work on projects and enjoyed tending to his yard. Joe never did anything less than one hundred and ten percent. He put all of his love and effort into everything and everyone he loved. There are so many wonderful and beautiful memories of Joe that many many people have. There is not enough time in the world to truly write something that could fully encompass what an amazing man he was or how dear he will always be to all of us. He was truly a gift to our family who will be deeply missed but never forgotten.