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Candles Lit
jerhid fegley
jerhid fegley
jerhid fegley 2/26/2010
Place of birth: st.lukes hospital
we called him “jerbear” because he had a little growl,only when he was hungry! he was a little guy, tall,slender,blonde,hair,hazel eyes. so so sweet in so many ways,never wanted anyone to be upset. specially momma. he loved and adored his brothers. because there were much older he really looked up to them.he loved the farm,the house the big yard,the barn full of kittens and cats! and always said he was gonna have lots of kids! ‘lots and lots’ he would say! he was a starwars fan,probably one of the number one fans! he could sit for hrs even when he was sick and put together the starwars lego ships that had over 2,000 + peices. loved pirates of the carribeian and harry potter loved all and had his own collection of all!! such a good little boy he was, he never was bad,he never cried the whole time he was sick. was so strong, he was momma hero! he would say “when i grow up i wanna be a cop and oscar is gonna be my police dog” oscar was his dog and followed jerhid everywhere. he had a very kind soul, so kind he would dare hurt your feelings ever ,on purpose and if by chance he would hed make sure it never happen again! and noone eles would either! he use too tell me he had to hurry and get better so he could get home to his best bud,cause he didnt want anyone messing with him.”hes different momma ,you dont understand” hed cry.we got to go to florida before he got sick, just him and i ,it was a dream of his and for some reason i knew we had to go.this always spookes me in so many ways.like i had to take him.his first plane ride and we did all in florida! everything and anything we could,and somethings twice! oh jerbear how i miss you so bad!! and last but not least, he was a proud baseball player for his school,the woodmore wildcats.and a scout. his favorate racecar driver was tony stewart and he loved the miami dolphins like his momma,but would always stick up for the other teams,if there was a family member that like that team!! sorry for speeling errors, this was hard for me,and dont know new computer yet)