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Hazel G. Fogle

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Hazel G. Fogle

Place of birth: Pittstown, NY

Religious affiliation: Protestant

Hazel G. Fogle passed away at the age of 92 on January 10, 2021 at Abbott Terrace Nursing Home.  Known as Shirley or Aunt Babe to her many friends and family, she lived in Danbury CT for the past 50+  years. Originally from Albany, New York, the family moved to Danbury when Milan, her husband, got a new job. In Danbury, Shirley was active in her church, playing hand bells and singing in the choir and holding many leadership positions. While still in Albany, she was a past president of the Women’s Society at Trinity Methodist Church. In the early 70’s, after the move to Danbury, she learned how to fly an airplane. She was an avid bowler and a member of the Retreads Motorcycle Club. She loved riding her motorcycle and went cross country with her husband, Milan (deceased), several times for rallies. Shirley traveled extensively by other means too, going to China, Hawaii and Japan with Milan. After he passed away, she traveled with her sister, June Gerling to many places, including England and Scotland. She also loved swimming at the Y and was in a Senior Center Wi-bowling league. She loved gardening, playing cards and mah jongg with her friends at Palace View Apartments and the Senior Center. Thoughout her life, she loved being in the country, spending as much of the summer as possible at Methodist Farm on Crooked Lake. She was a huge fan of the UConn Women’s Basketball team, who won 11 NCAA chamionships under her watcheful eye.

Funeral Notice Detail

Shirley is survived by her children Lee Kemp (Roger), Donna Gaber, and Gifford Fogle, 6 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren, and many neices and nephews. A private memoral sevice  will be held on January 28 at 11:30 AM at the United Methodist Church of Danbury. The sevice will be live streamed on their Utube channel for friends and family unable to attend due to COVID-19 restrictions. In lieu of flowers, anyone wishing to remember Shirley may donate to the United Methodist Church of Danbury or the Dorothy Day Hospitality House in Danbury CT.

A Memorial Service will be held at

United Methodist Church of Danbury

5 Clapboard Ridge Rd

Danbury , CT 06811

On: Jan 28, 2021 — At: 11:30 AM

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