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Candles Lit
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Memory Of Your Birthday
Hastern Freeny Sr. In Celebration Of Your Life
Hastern Freeny Sr.
Place of birth: Detroit
Religious affiliation: Other
Hastern was a hard working family man who provided for his wife Gloria Hannah-Freeny and two daughters Tanesha Freeny-Parker, and Tameca Freeny-Marbury. His legacy lives on with 5 grandchildren (Te’Vuan, C.J (Tameca), Havannah, Haven, and Hannah (Tanesha). He is survived by his wife, children, and grandchildren, and his mother and father proceeded him in his death.
Funeral Notice Detail
A Memorial Service will be held at
James H.Cole for Funerals
2624 W. Grand Blvd
Detroit , MI 48206