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Candles Lit
David Brainin
David Brainin
David Brainin 3/2/2013
Place of birth: None
It is with a heavy heart, and the permission of Mrs. Marisol Godinez Brainin, that I write to confirm that our treasured friend, David Brainin, passed from this life the afternoon of Saturday, March 2nd, 2013, in a motorcycle accident in Los Angeles. A service to honor and celebrate David's incredible, though all-to-short life is being organized and will be announced on this page when details are finalized. Each of you who read this have no doubt been touched by knowing David – or "Daveeeed" as I spelled his name in my phone after first meeting him an important decade ago . To me he was a mentor, a teacher, an inspiration and a Friend who expanded the definition of the word. While he explained to me many times, as recently as last week, that his body was a mortal vessel, and his spirit an immortal energy which would one day leave his body into the next stage of natural evolution, I still feel a tremendous loss, as you must as well. I am also certain that you extend wishes of support to his wife, children, siblings and parents in this time. David would tell us with calm unflinching certainty that he is now with us all; in all places and all times when we would choose to feel his presence. There is comfort in knowing this is true. But even still – we miss our friend and wish him eternal Peace and unending Joy. Good bye for now, David, and thank you, my friend, for each of the many things you brought to my life.