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Candles Lit
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan
Clarisse Mcclellan Guy Montag
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan In Memory Of Your Birthday
Clarisse Mcclellan In Celebration Of Your Life
Clarisse Mcclellan
Place of birth: None
Clarisse was a young girl who loved to talk she was very cheerful and very happy.
She loved finding out information about books and why firemen burn down houses rather that stop the fires but most of all she always thought the world of one person and that was Mr. Montag he was the only fireman that would actually talk to her and tell her what was going on she was one of the most sweetest girls you will ever meet her memory will always be in everyone’s hearts ..
Funeral Notice Detail
and she died at the seen not at the hospital she died right as soon as she got hit and hit the ground.
A Memorial Service will be held at
Town church
3243 old burn book rd
fire town , GA 23453