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Candles Lit
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Christmas Wreath & Spray Represent Eternity & Love Promises made from the Heart. @>---
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of Your Birthday
Barbara Dawn Hallett Today, I put my shirt on
Barbara Dawn Hallett Stars out tonight-
I love you my Only little mom @-}-}---- GN
Goodnight my mom Always miss & @-> Loving you honey
A Million Candles Will never be a Sweet hug from -U
Love never Dies You are solely Missed n breath
Valentines Day For My Forever Valentine. @->---
Good Friday Mom Jesus' switched place 4 our sins
God's promise He Restore's our life heart & soul
Night mom Missing you <3 Better for you.
Didn't want to Get up this morn No mom, No cigs,
God's Grace Gods Blessings Rule @->-----
I love you my mom Life just isn't The same W/O-U.@-
"No Words" @->------- <3 @->------ <3
Always loving you Miss you my- Little mom. @->--
I wanna go too! ^ ^ @->- Missing You.
Lord Please let my mom Rest in peace.
Always In Love Has my steps be Ordained B-4 me
To My Mother Loving arms that longn to hold U
Goodnight @->- My only mom Miss you forever!
Thinking about U Missing you more~ @.->-------
Happy Mudders Day Always miss & @-> @->- Missing You.
w w w dot Youtube dot com/watch?v =0dHjgFiISLk
When the clock strike Midnight ~I\'ll make my call~ Happy 2nd. New Year In Heaven
My Mother Who you were and Who am I Loving U To Heaven and back
Fireworks and gunfire Happy New Year Mommy Love you each and every heart beat ... 2016 LOVE U So..
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Celebration Of Your Life
Merry Christmas m Precious Mom My Promise I kept- Christmas Trees for you and Grandma lit~ My heart alwys in life n death
Merry Christmas Mother mine The christmas lights do not Shine as bright without your Smiles and cheer love and joy
Day 363 I Love you Mommy Miss you, My heart! Wish I could feel your touch
My MOTHER Miss you today as Everyday, each Heartbeat Each Breath Loving you.
My precious mom The longer you are gone, the Bigger the hole is in my heart @->
Father, You know my heart Give my moma and grandma a message "of love" from me. missing you as always.
Missing you my lil mom I was thinking of you,missing My mom, knowing you know have all the answers now@->>--
Barbara Dawn Hallett Happy Birthday My Beautiful Mom
Barbara Dawn Hallett In Memory Of<br>Your Birthday
Mom Birthday Greetings 1st one Without you Miss you, My heart! Loving U To Heaven
I love you Mom Faith in God Shall se me thru
Day 10 Emptiness Can't Understand
U loved Both U loved ALL Your kids <3
My 1st Xmas Without you so heartbroken 2day
I Will Always Love you my mom Real.
It's a Good Day Thank you 4 your Help/Guidance!!.
Beautiful Day Mom You would be so proud of me!
Missing you. Missing ur daily I love you's
Nightmares revealed truths protected by GOD
I miss you my mom I can't stand it another day w/o U
Merry Christmas Gifts, food done, would b r time
Merry Christmas Eve Mother mine good News & joy
Happy New Year's Eve,,My Mama I'll Call you at 12am!
Happy New 2015! Like Every Year! I Called U @ 12AM
Day 4 I miss u Contemptuous Of the maggots
Never Forgotten Always missed @-}-}---- 1-4-3
Nightmares Day3 revealed truths protected by GOD
Day16 tears I love you Moma Miss your love
Almost 3 weeks!? Seems like 4ever! God is with me.
Moma, I love you Gods Wings Cover As I walk alone
Mother My Precious time Was 4ever urs
I look for you I go to Psalm 35 & Psalm 31:20-24
Mom U always had Faith I'd do the Right thing 4 all
Momma, I will. W/ God's Guidence and our promise.
Moma, I so love You! All of you, Miss you forever!
I Love You My Mom Thank you for Loving Your Kids
I love you My Mom W/ A love Deeper Than Face Value
I'm Sorry Mom Your wishes are being defiled.
Good Morning Mama Another Day W/O You..Again. :(
This life is dark & Empty w/o you I know you will be waiting
Time spent Memories valued Miss you love you
You are my Mom So Happy U'r Finally in peace.
Day 5 Want you here Too big for me
OUR Mom Doing my best! U LUV'D ALL!!
For my Mom I love you my mom
A day Without you
Goodnight My Mama
I love you so much, tears aren't enough!
You loved your Children more Thn Your own life <3
I Love You My Mom I sure miss you, & all day emails
Mama, I will Always miss & @-> Appreciate you <3
Honored to be The good that came from you!
Our Love will Endure as I walk My path without u
4wks = 28 days Love our Nitely visits of love
Week 1 I love you Mother I Miss You 4ever
1- 4- 3
Thank You For For being You. @-}-}---- 1-4-3
Grandma Love you
I Will Always Love You..
Week 3...21 days Learning to live W/ the loss of U
Goodnight Mama I wil love you <3 Forever 1-4-3 @->
Day two Lost, helpless, Empty, miss u
Moma, I MISS YOUR 3:45 AM Emails All day,everyday.
Love YOU Always & Forever 1-4-3 =[ ]-------------
Day 6.. Confused Did you ever know How much ilovedu
Loved Eternal Never Forgotten
Loving my Moma! Until the end.
Barbara Dawn Hallett
Place of birth: Benton AK
Religious affiliation: Catholic
My Mother Barbara Hallett passed away at 9:23am December 6th a Saturday Morning She will be miss beyond any measure of this world. She had a unique dynamic spirit like no other, Loving, beautiful, charismatic, determined, head strong, silly, off beat sense of humor, not everyone got the joke at times, a bit cynical and critical. BUT UNDER ALL THE Dust WAS A HEART! I was fortunately blessed to be her daughter, best friend and yes at times we were worst enemies. But once you got past all of that My Mother Loved deep I mean Loved from her core, the depths of her heart was endless. So if she was hurt it went deep as well. She lived with a lot of hurt throughout this life, CHOICES her own and ours, which made it hard for her to share with those she loved the JOY of an open heart. Each of us got glimmers of it “but not one GOT it all” that was her safety net her Protection. She could be hurt quite easy at times, her defense was to hurt back. but that is ok. “She was WHO she was”. Loving her meant you had to be tough for all the rough edges. Overlook the broken edges, and cherish the moments and time.
She was a Woman that if you where honored enough to really get to know her you would NEVER FORGET HER. She is in the loving hands of Jesus, We were blessed to know and love her.
I Love you Mom with everything I am or ever will be. Thank you for being my “Bright Spot” in this world.
She is SURVIVED by Her Eldest Daughter Pamela L. Hinkle, her two adult children Kip Halcomb and Amani Alajou Of Irvine, CA and Barbara’s Younger Daughter (ME) Daphawn “Renee” Wilson, my two Natural adult children Nicole D. Wilson and Travis Wilson-Guerrero as well as my adopted son Ben Nunez all of Riverside CA
Other Family Members Joyce Ivins Companion for 30 years she made a promise and kept it. no matter misery you both put each other through. and Renee’s Ex-husband Bobby L. Guerrero. WE divorced him 16 years ago but we all were still family.
My Mothers lifetime friends for Many years, Braxton, Carol, Rita, Patty, John, Maria (Carman), Edith, Linda and so many more.
We were Privileged to have been in her life and her in ours to share Memories that no one can Steal. It was very hard to watch you breakdown piece by piece, each day but I was with you. She was my treasure and my hero in so many ways, I admired the tinacty and spirit she forged through her life with her hearing disability she refused to be defined by, raised two daughters without Fathers, assisted with her Grandchildren. Behind the Walls was Secrets she held I read her journal she was a Scared, confused, misdirected, misunderstood. Woman. She had been beaten down by her own inability to put a value on herself far beyond money or things. Or to believe that she had the quality to be truly loved. I loved you Mother with a True pure heart without judgments of your reasons. Even in the times we were apart (which were few) my love was never self-serving, just me putting a stop to the drama. I accepted all of you. May not have agreed, but we agreed to disagree… All she ever wanted was Loyalty, Love and security in both. Which I am sure I failed her, so may in the name of Jesus Christ have mercy on us both. I Pray in Gods loving care his love has filled the emptiness that this world never could. I Love you Mother Forever, for always. Thank you for our Yesterdays, our memories shared, stories to tell, todays lessons of truth, your lessons keeps me aware, Our tomorrows reunion in heaven, your loving tender words keep warm in such a cold and heartless world. Rest In Peace My Precious Mother…Muah 🙂