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Candles Lit
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte
Alexandra Jonte 12/6/2011
Place of birth: None
Alexandra was a little girl full of sass and personality, she was diagnosed at the age of 2 with Leukemia and lived everyday to the fullest. Alexandra passed at the age of 5 after a long brave battle.
“One Hand On The Stars”
How do we count the lives she touched,The light she shed for years? How do we see the difference she made when were looking though our tears?How do we know the things that are that never would have been without her valiant heart that dared to fight, and fight again?How do we know what flowers will bloom from seeds of yesterday,What songs are sung and dreams begun because she passed this way?How do we measure the shining place that time can never pale in all the hearts that cheered her on and willed her to prevail?How did her spirit soar beyond the suffering and the scars to live with one hand clutching hope and the other on the stars?We may not know what she left behind on the difficult path she trod
But we know this much: her lifes brief touch was from the hand of God