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Candles Lit
Adam Kizer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adam Kizer In Celebration Of Your Life
Adam Kizer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adam Kizer In Celebration Of Your Life
Adam Kizer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adam Kizer In Celebration Of Your Life
Adam Kizer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adam Kizer In Celebration Of Your Life
Adam Kizer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Adam Kizer In Celebration Of Your Life
Adam Kizer
Adam Kizer
Place of birth: Las Vegas
Religious affiliation: Christian
This is my angel son Adam. Adam was 16 when he went to heaven and left us heart broken for the rest of our lives. The heartache and suffering we are going through each day, I will NEVER understand why. This is Adam: He was born on Nov. 3, 98 and took his last breath on May 30, 15. Adam was on life support for 4 painful days. My son committed suicide. Adam was an bright, smart , cutest, boy that everybody loved. Then their was not so much who loved him. Adam had a great personality always laughing, and kids though thought he was funny, others thought he was to goofy for there crowd. Adam was bullied from elementary, all the way up to high school, He was also bullied by one adult. Adam was the type of boy who would open doors for you. I will forget this not. He came home from school one day and didn’t have a shirt on. I ask him, “wheres your shirt,” and he said, “a boy on the bus needed a shirt so I gave him mine.” Who would bullied such a sweet boy like that? Why did he leave us just at 16? People say to me ALL THE TIME he’s in a better place. Or he with the Lord. Or he’s not suffering anymore. I just don’t know how to grieve anymore. I’m just there. Our Adam loved everyone and doesn’t deserve to be taken away. He had the best heart a mother could want in her son. He is truly a mothers dream. He will forever be missed by everyone that was in tuned by his precious heart. I love you Adam. You will forever be in my soul. Thank you for ready about our Adam. Means allot.