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Candles Lit
Yefim Meltzer In Celebration Of Your Life
Yefim Meltzer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Yefim Meltzer In Celebration Of Your Life
Yefim Meltzer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Yefim Meltzer In Celebration Of Your Life
Yefim Meltzer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Yefim Meltzer In Celebration Of Your Life
Happy Birthday, Dad! We all miss you very much Love you. Esther and Gary
Yefim Meltzer In Memory Of Your Birthday
Yefim Meltzer In memory of our father we will always love &miss Always love Bella & Simon
Yefim Meltzer Love you Dedushka
Papa, may the eternal light shine brightly for you! Love you
Yefim Meltzer
Yefim Meltzer
Place of birth: Bobruisk, Belarus (Former Soviet Union)
Religious affiliation: Jewish
My Dad was born and raised in the Soviet Union. Life behind ‘The Iron Curtain’ wasn’t easy. In 1980 he left everything he knew behind and came to The United States to be with his daughter and his grandchildren. The culture shock and the language barrier were very difficult for him and my mom. He persevered and eventually settled in his new life. He loved to laugh and had a great sense of humor. When friends or family came to visit my father, he would take whatever he had in his fridge, put all of it on the table and make everyone feel relaxed and enjoy themselves! My fondest memories of my dad were listening to him praising American movies! One in particular that was his favorite of all time, is the original black and white Tarzan. He talked about that movie so much and described scenes with so much amazing details that I felt like I have seen that movie myself, which I have not, until I came to United States. During our family time watching TV, I loved braiding his thick wavy hair into tiny braids. Of course I had to unbraid his hair and brush them out before bedtime! I will always cherish these memories amongst others. He did not die of COVID-19. He went into the hospital for COVID-19 testing and died of a heart attack. You were laid to rest today, April 19,2020 Sunday, next to mom! It was a beautiful sunny day! Because of what is happening in the world due to COVID-19 and geographical restrictions, I was not able to be there to say goodbye. Thankfully with the wonders of modern technology I was able to participate in the ceremony! Hopefully life will become normal soon to give me an opportunity to give you a proper send off! All of us, your son, 3 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and me, your daughter will always keep you in our hearts! We will always remember that it is because of you we are all here! May you finally be at peace! We love you, Papa. Fira, Seyoma and everyone else.